luuvin yew 4 lyf

ii loOve Michael 4 lyf!! xOx xOx xOx

ii luuv mike so much! <<3

heey heey all my peeps
yea if you's didnt know im goin out wit michael.. luvvin u so much!
well nywayzz im movin 2 tamworth soon.. cant wait to get out of armidale its such a hole! hehe
nywayzz how was ya holidays?? mine was good spent most of them wit michael!
anywayzz im outta here!! keep in touch wit all of ya girls. im only 1hr away!
luuv yazz!! xOx xOx <<3 luvvin Michael 4 lyf!!
hee heey.. how is we all?
yea im good.. how was evey1's day?? yea mine was good..
all us girls went nd had a mock court! that was really good.. i think i went ok i guess.. thnx police man paul for helping me learn all my parts!
then after that we went for a cruise in the pcyc bus that was awsum!
well nywayzz my week was ok i guess nothing to exciting happend!!
nywayzz im outta here! thnx 4 reading!! hit a comment if u wanna!! <3 ya's
xOx xOx

mYy weEk..

well well.. this will be my week
monday: i went to school.. didnt really do much i stayd @ jeanettes tonight it was ok we went driving and stayd up most of the night
tuesday: we had dance comp and we gt in so im really excited bout that!
wednesday: i didnt do anything went home and went to bed!
thursday: went to school then barry cum up home. then i had to go to work @ 5 so that kinda sukd
friday: well thats today.. had an ok day.. im sick of all the bitchy ness happanin @ the moment.. we have been learning alot @ tafe we have been learning bout... assertive behaviour!
we have our groups in the morning and we talk bout how we are today and how was our week?
we also went up to the art gallery to see pauls art. there are some really good ones! i really like he's pink bike! lol sweet bike paul.
anyways im outta here hope you enjoy your weekend! have fun my peeps.. mwa mwa
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needles ouch lol

well hello.. how are you?
yea im good.. a bit sore though had a needle 2daii.. lol
nyways how was ya week? mine was good didnt do not much!
nyways not much really to tlk bout but aye.. luv ya x.x.x
hey hey.. yea im gud.. b4 u ask.. lol
well im not doin much just @ tafe.. we are learing about aggreeive bahaviour this week! it has been good.. we have learnt bout..
manipulative or indirect aggression, overt verbal aggression and physical aggression! it has been mad because we got into groups and act out.. we had physical aggression.. nicole bella katie and i.. it was kewl!! lol.. nyways im goin 2 go now luv ya's peace out!

<3 <3 <3

*-*Im a booty shakin,heart break'n,Steamy hot, Neva stop,Short skirt,Luv 2 flirt,Angel baby, Spoiled maybe,Tyte jeans n curvy hips.High class..Ghetto Ass..Sexi smile..Blazin Style.. Lushious Thighs..Kandi eyes..Killa kiss..Sexy thong N glossed lips..Babi How can u resist?*-*

B~BeAuTiFuL I~InTeLLiGenT T~TaLenTeD C~CuTiE H~Hottie
!~*:DaNcE:as if no one is watching*~!!~*{sMiLe}as if everything is perfect*~!~*+GivE+ as if u have everything*~!!~*>kIsS<>
lOvE yUuR -sTyLe- LoVe yUuR *hEaRt* LoVe YuUr -SoUl- lOvE yUuR *-sMiLe-*LoVe yUuR *vOiCe*LoVe +yeW+

<3 x.x.x <3

well i thought i would get bak on here and rite bcause im a bit bored!! anyways my sister is moving to sydney in 5 weeks and my little nease and knefew are goin to there dads for a term and thats really goin to suk..!!
but im catchin the plane up there when she moves up and me and jodie are goin to see the kids!!
so that will be fun!! anways im outta here its 3.. so c ya

mii week!! x.x.x.x

hey hey pals.. how is we all? how has your week been?
well yea.. mine has been good i guess.. havent done much!
monday: well i didnt dom much.. just went to school then home and slept i got a cold this day so yea!
tuesday: same as usally!!
wednesday: i got a msg sayin that i have made it into this modeling thing so im really excited about this!!
thursday: we went to sport that was really cool because we just go there and then just bum!! ( u know the normal stuff teenagers do) lol then i went to work!! that was cool it was bizzy so that was ok!
friday: well im just at tafe doing the normal stuff.. then when we finish me and all the girls are going down town! then i have to work at 5.. exciting!!!
nyways luv_ya x.x.x.x

~~me week~~

well.. hello out there my friends!! how is we? how was ya week?
yea we'll mine has be ok.. havent done that much!! lol
monday: didnt go to school i went down town and didnt do much i was just lookin at the new shops!!
tuesday: didnt do that much that went to school
wedneday: not much just went down town and got new shoes!! there really cool!! hehe
thursday: we had sport it was fun jeanette phobe and i got in to trouble so we had to sit out.. but that was kewl cause we was just chattin bout eveythin!! had to work aswell that was cool because we have a new girl and i had to train her and that was good!
friday: well where at tafe im just here addin to my blog then im goin down town!!
anyways im outta here! catch ya nxt week!! have a good 1..

i luv being loud!!! x.x.x.x

1 week in mii lyf.. <3

Weekend:on the weekend all the gurls and i went to the show!! we havd the madest time!! we went on most of the rides.. i went on the "hard rock" and i threw up when i got off that so i didnt go bak on that!! stayd well away!! lol then bout an hour after that my boyfriend went on the "gravatron" and he lifeted hes head up and he hit hes head on the top bar.. he ran up to me.. and i was like ewwww.. so we went to the emergency part at the show and he got it bandeged up.. they said " you'll have to go and get some stitches later on" so we stayed for the crash durbeys!1 that was good!!! then we went to the hospital and i he got 5 stitches.. then i finally got home at 2 sunday morning!!! HECTIC <3
Monday:nothin really happend!!
Tuesday:nothin really happend!!
Wednesday:we where in dance and we where practacin dane and we had to do flips and i fell on my head!! OUCH
Thursday:me n jeanette where the only one's at sport.. so that was pritty fun we was just chattin bout eveythin!! <3
Friday:well im here just addin to my "blogger" i have been at tafe just doin the usual fun and mad stuff?!!

xXx 100% aussie xXx

(¨`·.·´¨) Im 100% Aussie n Prond (¨`·.·´¨)
Name: Tara
Sex: female
Background: 100% aussie
Lives:Armidale originally from Tamowrth
Best friend: Jeanette.. i luv her 2 loads she my number #1 girl!
Tara luv's:hey hey im Tara.. i really luv 2 get out der nd have fun wit all the gurls.. i luv 2 b loued n i luv 2 laugh.
mii favourite place 2 hang would b either in my room listening to music or at my boyfriends house!! i luv hanging wit mi family and gettin up 2 mischief.. hehe
Tara h8's:i really hate back stabers, racis pepole, money wasters, slow computers, bitches, clowns, people that use u, town pools, nasty pepole, look @ me look @ me people, people that think there better than any1 else!!
____$$$$$__________$$$_____$$$____ ______ __$$$___$$$_________$$_____$$_____ ______ ___$$$_______________$$___$$______ ______ _____$$$______$$$$$___$$_$$__$$$__ __$$$_ _______$$$___$$___$$___$$$____$$__ __$$__ ________$$$_$$$$$$$___$$__$$__$$__ __$$__ _$$$___$$$_$$________$$____$$__$$_ __$$__ ___$$$$$___$$$$$$$__$$$____$$$___$ $$$$__ __________________________________ __$$__ ______$$$$____________$$$$________ __$$__ ____$$____$$________$$____$$______ _$$___ _$$$________$$____$$________$$____ $$____ ______________$$$$____________$$$$ ______
my poems!!
Freinds are like pissing your pants, Every one can see it but only you can feel its true warmth.
Of all the people ive ever met your the one I wont forget and if I die before you do, Ill go to heaven and wait for you, Ill give the angels back their wings and risk the chance loosing everything just to prove my love to you is true, Im thankful to have a friend like you!!
If I'm in heaven before you are, Ill carve your name on evry star so that the whole world can see just how much you mean to me!!
__88888____888888___888888____88 ___8__ _88_888___88888888_88888888__888 8_8___ ____888___888__888_888__888___88 _8____ ____888___888__888_888__888_____ 8_____ ____888___888__888_888__888____8 __88__ ____888___88888888_88888888___8_ _8888_ __8888888__888888___888888___8__ __88__
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