hey hey.. yea im gud.. b4 u ask.. lol
well im not doin much just @ tafe.. we are learing about aggreeive bahaviour this week! it has been good.. we have learnt bout..
manipulative or indirect aggression, overt verbal aggression and physical aggression! it has been mad because we got into groups and act out.. we had physical aggression.. nicole bella katie and i.. it was kewl!! lol.. nyways im goin 2 go now luv ya's peace out!


WiLd_At _HeArT said...

That was a fun day... That act waz good cept you gurls couldnt stop laughin lol, but heaps imaginative!!!! Love ya loads huny xxxx

maz+nic07 said...

hey sexc its maz...
i luv your blog heaps goodone...
jaenette leavin us she does not have any time lol!!!!laters luv ya