mii week!! x.x.x.x

hey hey pals.. how is we all? how has your week been?
well yea.. mine has been good i guess.. havent done much!
monday: well i didnt dom much.. just went to school then home and slept i got a cold this day so yea!
tuesday: same as usally!!
wednesday: i got a msg sayin that i have made it into this modeling thing so im really excited about this!!
thursday: we went to sport that was really cool because we just go there and then just bum!! ( u know the normal stuff teenagers do) lol then i went to work!! that was cool it was bizzy so that was ok!
friday: well im just at tafe doing the normal stuff.. then when we finish me and all the girls are going down town! then i have to work at 5.. exciting!!!
nyways luv_ya x.x.x.x


BuBbLeS said...

hey beautiful...
how is life between u and barry i think u to are so cute together and i mean that lol....anyways love ya lots biatch xoxoxoxoxo

~*hAyLeY*~ said...

Hey tara,
what ever i have done to upset you please dont hold it against me as i though we were friends and i dont really understand because i didnt think i did anything to you to make you mad at me!
Well if i never get to talk to you again because you hate me all i haft to say is
That i will always be here for you
and that i kno you will do great in the modelling thing because you are so gorguzzz
I love you heaps im so sorry
Love Hayley